USN BlueLab™ products are developed hand-in-hand with you the consumer, to make sure we know what you like and want from our products. Whether it's taste, effect, intensity or any other element of a product, if it's BlueLab™, it's developed by you, for you.
Increased Absorption With Astragin™
AstraGin™ is an exclusive absorption enhancing ingredient to support amino acid, vitamin and mineral absorption. It's extremly effective to support enhanced bioavailability.
S7™ is not an ingested nitrate product, but instead a clinically researched plant-based sports nutrition ingredient made from 7 plant-based ingredients that triggers the best kind of nitric oxide production — your body’s own internal NO. Even at three hours, one 50mg dose of S7™ is still sustaining the surge of internal NO production at a significantly increased rate.
PrimaVie®’s clinically tested benefits substantiate structure/function claims in the areas of performance, health, and anti-aging. In addition, PrimaVie® has been proven to increase/boost free testosterone.
GlycerPump™ is a completely stable form of glycerol powder with a yield of 65% glycerol content. Even when mixed with complex formulations of amino acids and herbal extracts GlycerPump™ retains excellent flowability and stability. GlycerPump™ is so stable it can actually help with the stability of some formulations.
Dynamine™ is methylliberine, a purine alkaloid found in the kucha tea leaf. Its molecular structure is similar to theacrine and is believed to behave in similar ways in the body. Like theacrine, methylliberine may amplify feelings of energy, mood and focus by activating dopamine receptors and other key neurotransmitters, inhibiting adenosine receptors, all without elevating heart rate or blood pressure.