MCT (medium chain triglycerides): source of long-term energy.
D-ribose: accelerates ATP production and replenishes ATP stores at significantly faster rates. ATP is the primary source of energy of the body and is essential to muscle performance. Supplementation of d-ribose has shown to significantly increase performance over multi-stage events.
Advapep®: source of collagen peptides. Type 1 hydrolysed collagen
L-carnitine tartrate: helps your muscle mitochondria burn fat, which can increase your endurance and may help with faster recovery.
Potassium: responsible for regulating total body water and stabilising controlled and automatic muscle contractions.
Magnesium: reduces the risk of cramps.
Palatinose™: smart, low-GI carbohydrate that provides energy for longer and does not cause a spike in insulin or blood sugar.
Vitamin C: antioxidant that minimises oxidative damage due to intense exercise.
Pantothenic acid: assists with metabolising fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
L-glutamine: assists with muscle soreness and stiffness.
Whey protein isolate: high-quality source of protein delivers easy digestible protein that is absorbed rapidly and places little strain on the digestive system. Protein is key in repairing and restoring muscle after exercise and to avoid muscle loss. Protein supplementation also reduces stiffness.
Light orange:
Light strawberry: