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" /> Fitting Bluelab™ 100% Plant PROTEIN INTO YOUR VEGAN LIFESTYLE – USN Kenya


By Lien @vegan_mealprep_Sundays


Since I’ve adopted a vegan diet, I haven’t used any protein powder consistently except for pure pea protein powder. I used it in smoothies and oats and added cocoa or cinnamon for flavour. Well, I’m happy to share that those days are over.


The new USN BlueLab™ 100% Plant Protein is so delicious that you can blend it with just ice and almond milk and it tastes like the most decadent milkshake. It’s insane! My favourite however, is blending 1 scoop of Vanilla & Cinnamon flavoured BlueLab™ 100% Plant Protein with 1 frozen banana, 1 cup of almond milk and a few ice cubes. It was my breakfast every day last week and am planning on having it for every on-the-go brekkie to come.


USN BlueLab™ 100% Plant Protein is a high protein formulation made up of a blend of pumpkin & watermelon seed protein and pea protein concentrate. It contains Clean Cream™, which is a plant-based creamer that ensures a dairy-like texture. It is free of artificial colourants, gluten-free, sugar free, soy free and obviously dairy free.


Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself to experience another level of goodness!

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Tags: #plant, #VEGAN,
Goal: Get Lean & Fit
