USN Articles

Stay motivated and #challengeyourself with the latest news, results, and insights from USN and our athletes.

The Big Debate: Running vs Walking

There are many different theories when it comes to running vs walking for health and weight loss. We thought to take a look and give you some insights.

Eating Right For Endurance Sports

USN compiled some top nutrition tips and info for endurance athletes to keep you sustained and enhance performance.

Boost Your Fitness, Endurance And Stamina

Doing cardio has clear benefits for everyday life, but many people don’t know what constitutes effective training to optimally boost fitness, endurance and stamina.

The Top Five Muscle Fuelling Foods

The saying “you can’t out-train a bad diet” couldn’t be more accurate. The right food and supplementation is key to gaining and maintaining muscle mass. Here is a quick guide.

Finding Your Perfect Pre-Workout

Using a good quality pre-workout boosts motivation, energy and performance levels during training. It’s very important that you find the one right for you.

Wholefood Gainer: the ultimate mass gainer

Wholefood Gainer: the ultimate mass gainer MARCH 2024 USN’s Wholefood Gainer is 100% plant-based and supports muscle growth and recovery. This mass gainer is suitable for everyone: males, females and athletes. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast struggling to tip the scales, a bodybuilder bulking or simply someone on the quest to gain weight and strength for

Mass Gain Eating Plan for Women

Mass Gain Eating Plan – Female – Smaller_compressed (1) Mass Gain Eating Plan for Women

The Ultimate Guide to Bulking with USN

  The Ultimate Guide to Bulking with USN MAY 2024 Bulking is not just about lifting weights and eating a lot—it’s a strategic approach to building muscle. Integrating high-quality USN products into your diet and following a disciplined exercise routine can maximise your muscle gains and transform your physique. The term ‘bulking’ is often associated

Beginner Ultra Mass-Gain Men Training Plans

Beginner Ultra Mass-Gain Men Training Plans Ultra Mass-Gain Training Plan for Men – Beginner

Mass Gain Eating Plan for Men

Mass Gain Eating Plan for Men Mass Gain Eating Plan – Male

Creatine and women’s performance

Creatine and women’s performance Creatine has traditionally been used by athletes and individuals who want to boost their performance. Some sources even claim that it started the supplement revolution. The massive muscle and male-dominated marketing drives have left creatine looking like a male-only supplement. It has also led to the belief that it will build

What is 3-in-1 Creatine?

3-in-1 Creatine MAY 2022 Creatine and amino acids are considered as some of the best supplements for muscle gains, strength and recovery. But can you use these supplements together? Learn more about USN’s 3-in-1 Creatine. WHAT IS CREATINE? Creatine is a nitrogenous acid that provides energy to cells throughout the body, primarily muscle cells. Creatine is

Qhush Platinum Black, the ultimate pre-workout fuel JUNE 2023 Fuel your mind, veins and fibre with USN’s latest pre-workout supplement, Qhush Platinum Black. It would be unrealistic to think you can push your body and exercise at the same high intensity every day. Sometimes, life happens, resulting in low motivation and increased fatigue. That is

Hydrotech Whey: a blend of whey and wheat protein

  Hydrotech Whey: a blend of whey and wheat protein While people tend to track their calories, sugar and salt intake, the importance of consuming enough protein should not be overlooked. Protein plays a critical role in helping your body function optimally, as it assists with the growth and maintenance of muscles, tissues and cells.

Advanced Ultra Lean Muscle Female Training Plan

Ultra Lean Muscle Training Plan for Women – Advanced (1)

Lean Mass Eating Plan for Women

Lean Mass Eating Plan Female

Intermediate Ultra Mass-Gain Men Training Plan

Ultra Mass Gain Training Plan for Men – Intermediate

Lean Mass Eating Plan for Men

Lean Mass Eating Plan for Men Lean Mass Eating Plan – Male

Beginner Ultra Lean Muscle Female Training Plan

Download PDF Below Ultra Lean Muscle Training Plan for Women – Beginner

All Goals, All Day, All9™ Amino

All Goals, All Day, All9™ Amino Every person has a different set of goals that they want to achieve each day. These goals might be as small as taking the stairs instead of the elevator to lose weight or pushing yourself for those extra five minutes during a training session to gain muscle mass. Irrespective

The Ultimate Vegetarian Protein Burger

The Ultimate Vegetarian Protein Burger Vegetarian food doesn’t have to be boring. Try this delicious vegetarian protein burger. Ingredients 1 can of chickpeas 500 g mushrooms ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon garlic powder (optional) ¼ teaspoon onion powder 2 tablespoons cake flour (or flour of choice) ½ cup panko breadcrumbs 1 egg Instructions Drain, rinse

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