Featured – USN Kenya

Creatine and women’s performance

Creatine and women’s performance Creatine has traditionally been used by athletes and individuals who want to boost their performance. Some sources even claim that it started the supplement revolution. The massive muscle and male-dominated marketing drives have left creatine looking like a male-only supplement. It has also led to the belief that it will build

Qhush Platinum Black, the ultimate pre-workout fuel JUNE 2023 Fuel your mind, veins and fibre with USN’s latest pre-workout supplement, Qhush Platinum Black. It would be unrealistic to think you can push your body and exercise at the same high intensity every day. Sometimes, life happens, resulting in low motivation and increased fatigue. That is

The Ultimate Vegetarian Protein Burger

The Ultimate Vegetarian Protein Burger Vegetarian food doesn’t have to be boring. Try this delicious vegetarian protein burger. Ingredients 1 can of chickpeas 500 g mushrooms ½ teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon garlic powder (optional) ¼ teaspoon onion powder 2 tablespoons cake flour (or flour of choice) ½ cup panko breadcrumbs 1 egg Instructions Drain, rinse

Pumpkin Flapjacks Pumpkin Flapjacks FEBRUARY 2023 This quick and easy pumpkin flapjacks recipe is made with USN BlueLab 100% Plant Protein. A healthy and delicious variation of traditional flapjacks. Ingredients: 1 cup flour 1 scoop BlueLab 100% Plant Protein Vanilla Cinnamon flavour 1 cup pumpkin puree 1 tbsp baking powder 1 cup milk (milk of your choice) Instructions: Dice the

Why Whey Protein?

  Why Whey Protein? MARCH 2023 Whey protein is a complete protein that contains all the essential amino acids. But why should you add it to your diet? When you follow a healthy lifestyle, counting calories and watching your sugar and salt intake have probably become second nature. But a lot of people do not

Women’s 12 Week Weight Loss & Diet Plan

Good diet plan is an essential part of losing weight and, if it is accompanied by a strict exercise regime and all-round healthy lifestyle, can help you create the results you’re looking for. EXERCISE REGIME TO AID YOUR DIET PLAN Whenever possible, try to exercise first thing in the morning, for around 1 hour and


As fitness enthusiasts we all know that Protein is an essential part of any athlete’s diet, in fact it should be a staple in everyone’s diet. Protein is not just for body building, it produces energy, increases metabolism and repairs muscles fast. But what about the finer details? – Not all protein was created equally


Losing weight has forever been the nations’ most dreaded task. Putting the pounds on is instant and is pretty easy (and enjoyable) to do but getting rid of them is a completely different story – completely opposite to say the least. Dependant upon your current body type, shape, weight, workout type, what you eat and
